React Testing: Mocking Axios with axios-mock-adapter

Simon Karanja
4 min readNov 30, 2020
Testing under the stars.

Unless you fancy the built-in fetch API, chances are that you are using or have used axios as your HTTP client. If so, when writing tests you may need to mock API requests. You could of course use mock functions provided by your test library in this case Jest, but I have found a nifty package called axios-mock-adapter to be excellent and natural when testing codes with axios implementation.
Lets write a test for a simple component that fetches some random todos. A fully working implementation can be be found here. You can also see the code in action on this codesandbox.


  1. Familiarity with Jest
  2. Familiarity with @testing-library/react

To follow along, clone the project off github here

git clone
// Then switch to the clean branch (no tests yet).
git checkout clean

You can then run yarn install to install the required dependencies.

This is the piece of component that we will be testing. I have also off-loaded the the axios fetch into a custom hook useAxios(url) that lives in axios.hook.js file.

Test Setup

For the test setup, the only dependency we need is axios-mock-adapter. (This is the beauty of React as most of testing tools you need will come pre-configured with create-react-app 😄).

yarn add -D axios-mock-adapter

Open the App.test.js and add the following.

Here we create an instance of MockAdapter and pass our axios instance, followed by onNoMatch option with throwException (This throws an exception when a request is made without matching any handler. It’s very helpful when debugging your test mocks. See gotchas section below).

Pro Tip I: Rather than pass axios directly from the axios package, off-load axios setup in a separate file and export the configured instance to be consumed anywhere you need axios. See axios.instance.js file

We will need to reset both registered mock handlers and history items with mock.reset() before running any test case and finally, we cleanup.

Add the following on the App.test.js

Here, we define our dummy todos, followed by the component we wish to test (In our case <App/>) passed into @testing-library/react render() function.

Of importance here, is:

mock.onGet("/todo").reply(200, todos)

This will mock the axios get() and return the passed data (In our case a list of our dummy todos) whenever we hit /todos endpoint. The reply() takes the following arguments:- (status, data, headers) in that order. If you run the tests i.e.

yarn test

The test should pass.

What’s in case of a network error you ask? Well let’s add the following to the App.test.js

Of interest is line 2:


This will return a failed promise with Error(‘Network Error’). If say we wanted a network timeout, we could have done:-


This would have returned a failed promise with Error code set to ECONNABORTED.

Now running the tests again, they should all be in green.

That’s how easy it is to mock axios requests with axios-mock-adapter. Of course we have only touched one HTTP verb, GET in our tests above. That’s not all the library is capable of. It has all HTTP methods covered in case your needs goes past GET or POST. You can leaf through their documentation for more use cases.


When mocking with axios-mock-adapter, you may run into a couple of issues. Lets reproduce by far the most common one. On mock.onGet() lets provide a resource that does not match any of our axios handler, say we made a typo/todo instead of /todos

mock.onGet("/todo").reply(200, todos)

Now run the tests again. You should get something similar to this.

Notice we have a helpful error message telling us the mock for /todos could not be found. Now, If you recall when we initialized the MockAdapter, we passed a second argument. What if we have omitted this. Lets replace

const mock = new MockAdapter(axiosInstance, { onNoMatch: "throwException" });


const mock = new MockAdapter(axiosInstance);

and run the tests again.

We get a vague 404 error. This is the default behavior of the library if it cannot match any handler.

Pro Tip II: Always turn on the { onNoMatch: “throwException” } when mocking with axios-mock-adapter. It will save you hours of head scratching looking for subtle bugs.

That’s all for today. Gracias & Happy Coding ❤️.



Simon Karanja

Aspiring comedian and a lover of anything with .js extension